Welcome to the Slimmers' Boot Camp.

The blog that's determined to get you down to your healthy weight and keep you there, because you ARE what you eat and food is really NOT your enemy.

Survival strategies for food addicts who want to make their weight loss permanent.

Kiss goodbye to yo-yo you!

Find us on Twitter @shrinkmeister, on LinkedIn at the Executive Slimmers! group, and on Facebook at Formerly Fat Freddy's Slimmers' Boot Camp

Dieting discussion provided free for information only, not as medical advice, You should always consult your medical practitioner before embarking on or amending any dieting programme, and you should stay within any guidelines or other parameters he advises.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Meditation, Having Dropped 105lbs. [Normal Service Will Be Resumed As Soon As Possible.]

With every pound gone, I am feeling more empowered, confident, determined and alive.

I have seized back control of my life from - me. From the negative, destructive, hateful, indolent me that doesn't care and exists only to destroy - me.

But the wind has changed and the wheel turns, and with every pound lost, the destroyer is gradually but finally being destroyed.

I can do this. I know that I can and that I want to. The world is noticing and I am pleased by its recognition. I have learned to both cherish and value its approval.

I am pleased they are saying now how well I have done, instead of deploring how I ever let it happen.

There is no going back to that dark place. Whatever the world throws at me, and it will, and nothing good, I am strengthened, wiser and more knowing of myself and perhaps more forgiving, though a strict and vigilant master. I will not go back to that dark place.

Bad food and stupid drink are not options now; they hold neither potency nor attraction. I have passed them by, and my growing power lifts me above them.

My sustenance comes from what is wholesome, nutritious, delicious and clean, and my thirst is quenched without befuddlement. I cook and delight in my cooking, and find joy in the feeding of others.

The food industry has lost me from its grasp. My thraldom is finished, my childhood ended. I emerge grateful into the strengthening sunlight, an adult at last.

Your slightly poetical, mystical old pal,


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